32 Vegetable Names in Different Languages

Improve your gardening vocab with these Vegetable Names in Different Languages discussed in our article below!

Read this informative article on Vegetable Names in Different Languages to find out what your favorite veggie is called in other tongues.

Here are some genius fruit and vegetable storage ideas

Vegetable Names in Different Languages

1. Beets

Botanical Name- Beta vulgaris

  • Beets in Spanish- Remolacha
  • Beets in Italian- Barbabietola
  • Beets in German- Die Rote Bete
  • Beets in French- Betteraves

From root to stems and leaves, every part of beets is ideal for consumption. Learn how to grow beets in containers here.

2. Onions


Botanical Name- Allium cepa

  • Onion in Spanish- Cebolla
  • Onion in Italian- Cipolla
  • Onion in German- Die Zwiebel
  • Onion in French- L’oignon

Onion is an edible bulb, widely used in cooking for its characteristic flavor and lots of health benefits. It deserves to be included in the list of vegetable names in different languages.

3. Spinach


Botanical Name- Spinacia oleracea

  • Spinach in Spanish- Las espinacas
  • Spinach in Italian- Spinaci
  • Spinach in German- Spinat
  • Spinach in French- épinard

Easy to grow in pots, spinach has a mild, sweet taste. You can eat these nutritious leafy greens, either raw or cooked.

4. Potato


Botanical Name- Solanum tuberosum

  • Potato in Italian- Patata
  • Potato in Polish- Ziemniak
  • Potato in German- Kartoffel
  • Potato in French- Pomme de terre

Indigenous to South America, potatoes are a starchy edible root vegetable with an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals.

5. Garlic


Botanical Name- Allium sativum

  • Garlic in Spanish- Ajo
  • Garlic in Italian- L’aglio
  • Garlic in German- Knoblauch
  • Garlic in French- L’ail

Garlic, also familiar with the botanical name, ‘Allium sativum,’ is a root vegetable used to improve the flavor of various dishes. It easily grows indoors and performs quite well in sandy and loamy potting mix.

6. Cabbage

Botanical Name- Brassica oleracea var. capitata

  • Cabbage in Spanish- Repollo
  • Cabbage in Italian- Cavolo
  • Cabbage in German- Kohl
  • Cabbage in French- Chou

Cabbage is a hardy leafy veggie with a good source of vitamins. Learn more about this frost-tolerant vegetable here.

7. Okra

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Botanical Name- Abelmoschus esculentus

  • Okra in Spanish- Quiabo
  • Okra in Italian- Ocra
  • Okra in German- Okraschote
  • Okra in French- Gombo

Okra, popularly known as lady’s finger, is a crunchy vegetable with a unique, earthy taste. If you want to grow okra in pots, check out this article.

8. Turnip

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Botanical Name- Brassica rapa subsp. rapa

  • Turnip in Spanish- Nabo
  • Turnip in Italian- Rapa
  • Turnip in German- Steckrübe
  • Turnip in French- Navet

Like beets, all parts of turnip are edible, delicious, and packed with nutrients. This cool-season vegetable loves regular watering, indirect light, and balanced fertilizer.

9. Sweet Potato

Botanical Name- Ipomoea batatas

  • Sweet Potato in Spanish- Batata
  • Sweet Potato in Italian- Patata dolce
  • Sweet Potato in German- Süßkartoffel
  • Sweet Potato in French- Patate douce

Loaded with various nutritional elements, sweet potatoes are available in different colors. This delectable root veggie is an underground tuber.

10. Lettuce

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Botanical Name- Lactuca sativa

  • Lettuce in Spanish- Lechuga
  • Lettuce in Italian- Lattuga
  • Lettuce in German- Kopfsalat
  • Lettuce in French- La laitue

Lettuce is an annual leafy green with multiple varieties. It does best in wide and shallow containers. Hop to this article for more info.

11. Daikon

Botanical Name- Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus

  • Daikon in Spanish- Rábano blanco
  • Daikon in French- Radis blanc

Related to the radish family, daikon or Japanese radish is a crunchy winter veggie with a mild peppery taste.

12. Tomatoes

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Botanical Name- Solanum Lycopersicum

  • Tomato in Spanish- Tomate
  • Tomato in Italian- Pomodoro
  • Tomato in Polish- Pomidor
  • Tomato in Dutch- Tomaat

Tomato is a staple vegetable because of its numerous culinary uses. It’s generally added to salads, sandwiches, soups, sauces, and various other dishes.

13. Broccoli


Botanical Name- Brassica oleracea var. italica

  • Broccoli in Spanish- Brócoli
  • Broccoli in Italian- Broccolo
  • Broccoli in German- Der Brokkoli
  • Broccoli in French- Les brocolis

Eat this edible cruciferous veggie, either raw or cooked, to reap the immense health benefits.

14. Kale

Botanical Name- Brassica oleracea var. sabellica

  • Kale in Spanish- Col rizada
  • Kale in Italian- Il cavolo riccio
  • Kale in German- Grünkohl
  • Kale in French- le chou kale

Kale is a low-maintenance, easy-to-grow vegetable that needs 4-6 hours of sunlight regularly and a rich, fertile potting mix for quick growth.

15. Green Beans

Botanical Name- Phaseolus vulgaris

  • Green Beans in Spanish- Judías verdes
  • Green Beans in Italian- Il fagiolo verde
  • Green Beans in German- Grüne Bohnen
  • Green Beans in French- Haricots verts

Packed with fiber, protein, and vitamins, green beans are an excellent vegetable for a well-balanced vegetarian diet.

16. Carrots

Botanical Name- Daucus carota

  • Carrot in Spanish- Zanahoria
  • Carrot in Italian- Carota
  • Carrot in German- Karotte
  • Carrot in French- Carotte

Carrot is a crunchy and delicious root vegetable with lots of nutritional content. Even its leaves are edible and have beneficial effects.

17. Kalettes

Botanical Name- Brassica oleracea

This small dark leafy vegetable is a hybrid of brussels sprouts and kale. It has a nutty, savory flavor.

18. Bottle Gourd

Botanical Name-Lagenaria siceraria

  • Bottle Gourd in Spanish- Calabaza de botella
  • Bottle Gourd in Hindi- Laukee
  • Bottle Gourd in German- Flaschenkürbis
  • Bottle Gourd in French- Gourde

Tastes similar to a cucumber and summer squash, the bottle gourd veggie is a common ingredient in Moroccan, Indian, and Chinese culinary dishes.

19. Ivy Gourd


Botanical Name- Coccinia grandis

  • Ivy Gourd in Hindi- Kunduru
  • Ivy Gourd in Punjabi- Kanduri

Native to the Indian subcontinent, the cucumber-like flavored ivy gourds are two inches long in size. Read more about ivy gourd here.

20. Green Onions


Botanical Name- Allium fistulosum

  • Green Onion in Spanish- Cebolla de verdeo
  • Green Onion in Italian- Cipolla verde
  • Green Onion in German- Grüne Zwiebel
  • Green Onion in French- Oignon vert

This veggie has immature onion bulbs and green shoots with a mild onion flavor. It likes well-drained, loamy soil but hates overwatering.

21. Cauliflower

Botanical Name- Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

  • Cauliflower in Spanish- Coliflor
  • Cauliflower in Italian- Cavolfiore
  • Cauliflower in German- Blumenkohl
  • Cauliflower in French- Chou fleur

It’s a cool-season crop that prefers well-composted soil, shade, humidity, and deep watering cycles.

22. Collard Greens


Botanical Name- Brassica oleracea var. Viridis

  • Collard Greens in Spanish- Berza común
  • Collard Greens in Italian- Verdi di collard
  • Collard Greens in German- Blattkohl

With a slightly bitter earthy flavor, collard greens are an excellent substitute for kale.

23. Arracacha

Botanical Name- Arracacia xanthorrhiza

  • Arracacha in English- White Carrot

This bitter-flavored root vegetable is a hybrid of celery and carrot. Along with this veggie, its leaves are also palatable.

24. Dolichos Beans


Botanical Name- Lablab purpureus

  • Dolichos Beans in Hindi- Sem phalee

Also known as the Hyacinth bean, the dolichos bean is used as an ornamental plant, and the beans with pods are cooked as vegetables.

25. Eggplant


Botanical Name- Solanum melongena

  • Eggplant in Spanish- Berenjena
  • Eggplant in Italian- Melanzana
  • Eggplant in German- Die Aubergine
  • Eggplant in French- Aubergine

Local to South and East Asia, eggplant is a tropical vegetable used in a variety of cuisines in different parts of the world.

26. Escarole

Botanical Name- Cichorium endivia

  • Escarole in Spanish- Escarola
  • Escarole in Italian- Scarola
  • Escarole in German- Eskariol
  • Escarole in French- Scarole

Escarole is a leafy vegetable that is often confused with lettuce. This veggie is a traditional ingredient in various Italian dishes. It likes fertile, loamy soil and constant watering.

27. Fava Bean

Botanical Name- Vicia faba

  • Fava Beans in Spanish- Habas
  • Fava Beans in Italian- Fave
  • Fava Beans in German- Saubohnen
  • Fava Beans in French- Fèves

Loaded with lots of nutrients and science-backed health benefits, the fava beans or broad beans can be consumed raw or cooked.

28. Asparagus

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Botanical Name- Asparagus Officinalis

  • Asparagus in Spanish- Espárrago
  • Asparagus in Italian- Asparago
  • Asparagus in German- Spargel
  • Asparagus in French- Asperge

The delectable green stalks of asparagus are low in calories and filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

29. Mustard Greens

Botanical Name- Brassica juncea

  • Mustard Greens in Spanish- Hojas de mostaza
  • Mustard Greens in Italian- Senape
  • Mustard Greens in German- Senfgrün
  • Mustard Greens in French- Feuilles de moutarde

Admired for the tangy, spicy taste, you can enjoy the crunchy mustard greens boiled, steamed, raw, or stir-fried.

30. Rhubarb

Botanical Name- Rheum rhabarbarum

  • Rhubarb in Spanish- Ruibarbo
  • Rhubarb in Italian- Rabarbaro
  • Rhubarb in German- Rhabarber
  • Rhubarb in French- Rhubarbe

The leafy rhubarb veggie is grown for its sour-flavored thick reddish stalks, which are usually cooked with sugar. It loves full sunlight and fertile potting medium.

31. Radicchio

Botanical Name- Cichorium intybus var. foliosum

  • Radicchio in Spanish- Achicoria roja
  • Radicchio in French- Chicorée italienne

Looks similar to red cabbage, the bitter-flavored radicchio or Italian chicory has a prominent place in various Italian cuisines.

32. Samphire

Botanical Name- Salicornia europaea

  • Samphire in Spanish- Hinojo Marino
  • Samphire in German- Meerfenchel
  • Samphire in French- Salicorne

As samphire is a crispy and salty sea vegetable, it’s ideal to consume this food boiled or steamed.

We hope you like this article about Vegetable Names in Different Languages. Stay tuned!

Find out some salad greens you grow in pots in winter here

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