How to Clean Nicotine off Walls | How to Remove Nicotine From Walls

Want a cheap and chemical-free way to remove nicotine stains from walls? Stay tuned to learn How to Clean Nicotine off walls!

How to Clean Nicotine off Walls 1

Smoking cigarette is not only bad for your health, but its nicotine content leaves an oily, yellowish stain that gets deposited on the walls along with an obnoxious odor. These nasty stains harden over time, thereby, become difficult to remove. Besides an aesthetic issue, the nicotine buildup is a severe health hazard, medically referred to as “thirdhand smoke.” That’s why it’s crucial to tackle this situation promptly. Read this article to find out How to Clean Nicotine Off Walls.

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How to Clean Nicotine off Walls?

Nicotine is a highly addictive and colorless element. The smoke of cigarettes leaves greasy remnants that deposit on the nearby stuff and appear as an unsightly yellowish stain. Besides walls, furniture, skin, hair, and clothes are the common places where nicotine build-up might happen.

By trying the below hacks, you’ll learn How to Remove Nicotine From Walls easily and inexpensively. However, use only one method at a time.

1. White VinegarHow to Clean Nicotine off Walls 2

White vinegar eliminates the hardest nicotine blemishes from the wall and its lingering fetid odor. It works because of the acetic acid content that softens the sticky nicotine substances present on the walls. For this, combine vinegar and tepid water in a 1:1 ratio in a spray bottle. Next, spritz the liquid on the stained walls. Wait for 3-5 minutes and then reapply the mix. After that, scrub the area gently with a damp, lint-free cloth.

2. Mild Dish Soap and Water

How to Clean Nicotine off Walls 3

Try combining mild liquid dish soap and warm water to clean nicotine off walls. This hack is perfect for weak blemishes. Combine 2-3 tsp of dish soap into a bucket full of water. Next, dip a rag into the soapy solution and wipe the problematic spot lightly. Once the stain is gone, wash the space with water and pat dry using a cloth.

3. Try TSPHow to Clean Nicotine off Walls 4

Trisodium Phosphate, better known as TSP, is a powerful commercial cleaner that lifts stubborn wall stains quite easily. To know the mixing ratio of TSP and water, read the product label carefully. Next, put a sponge in the solution and scrub the area gently until the stain disappears. Finally, wipe the treated spot with a damp cloth and dry it properly afterward.

4. Ammonia

How to Clean Nicotine off Walls 5

Ammonia is the best way to clean nicotine off walls. Begin this hack by mixing 1/4 cup of ammonia and 1/4 gallon of tepid water in a spray bottle. Spray the prepared solution onto the wall and wait 3-5 minutes before wiping it off. In the end, clean the wall with warm water.

5. Dry Cleaning Sponge

How to Clean Nicotine off Walls 6

If you want to clean cigarette smoke off walls and moisture, use a dry cleaning sponge. This sponge doesn’t need water or any cleaning agent. It works by absorbing the nicotine stains. Simply wipe the walls with single strokes, and you’re done.

6. Magic Eraser

Magic Eraser

Magic eraser is the best way to clean nicotine off walls. For this method, saturate the magic eraser in the water. Next, remove the extra water by squeezing the magic eraser. After that, gently scrub the walls until the stain disappears.

7. Chomp Painted Wall Cleaner

Chomp Painted Wall Cleaner

If you’re thinking of repainting your dingy walls, you must try this chomp-painted wall cleaner. It’s the best cleaner for smoke stained walls. Follow the instructions mentioned on the bottle to reap its benefits.

Precautions to Consider

Before removing nicotine stains from walls and ceilings, read the following precautions.

  • Move furniture away from the wall or cover them with a tarp or a cloth to avoid damage.
  • Don’t forget to dry your wall after using the above methods.
  • Keep your furious pets and kids far away from the treated walls.
  • Prevent your floor from getting messed up due to the drippage of cleaning solutions by laying a piece of plastic or waterproof tarp on the floor.
  • While treating your stained wall, don’t forget to wear a mask, good-quality rubber gloves, a goggle, and full-sleeved clothes for safety purposes.
  • If you’re going to use a ladder, then have someone else with you for support.
  • Make sure the room is ventilated properly while cleaning the wall.
  • If your walls are non-washable, avoid the above hacks and call a service professional for help.
  • Use a soft sponge rather than an abrasive one to prevent damage to the wall paint.
  • Don’t use one of the above methods more than twice simultaneously.
  • Wear a face mask, hand gloves, and full-sleeved clothes.

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