Easiest Way to Clean up Stump Grindings

Check out this Easiest Way to Clean Up Stump Grindings and restore your backyard to its pristine condition!

Easiest Way to Clean up Stump Grindings 1

At some point or another, yard owners cut their trees and remove stumps, too. This leaves remnants like wood chips and sawdust scattered everywhere, degrading the overall appearance. If you are also facing this nightmare, check out the easiest way to clean up stump grindings below.

Easiest Way to Clean up Stump Grindings

Learn how to clean up tree stump grindings with these easy-to-follow steps and say goodbye to your messy backyard.

1. Grab the Required Tools

Easiest Way to Clean up Stump Grindings 2

Before beginning the cleaning process, it’s important to gather the right tools first. This makes your work easier, faster, and safer. Let’s look at what tools you should have ready.

  • Hand Gloves
  • Boots
  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • A Hand Push Garbage Trolley

2. Begin the Cleaning ProcessEasiest Way to Clean up Stump Grindings 3

Once you’ve collected all the essential tools, wear safety gear such as hand gloves and boots to avoid cuts and splinters. After that, collect the grindings into a hand-push garbage trolley using a shovel and rack. Once you’re done with this process, discard the stump grindings in the trash can.

What to Do With Tree Stump Grindings?Easiest Way to Clean up Stump Grindings 4

Discarding the tree stump grindings is not the only option. You can reuse the sawdust and wood chips for different purposes. Here are some amazing suggestions:

  • Stump Grindings as Mulch – Wood chips of stump grindings are an effective and cheap product for mulching. Scatter the grindings on the top of the soil around plants, trees, and shrubs. It restricts the growth of weeds, holds moisture, and keeps roots cooler.
  • To Create a Walkway – Spread the tree stump grindings strategically around your yard or garden to make a small walkway. For this, create an outline of your walkway, cover the top of the soil with tarpaulin, and then with stump grindings. It reduces soil erosion and prevents weed growth.
  • For Traction on Snowy Sidewalks— Ice and snow make the road surface slippery in the winter. You can solve this issue with the help of stump grindings. Simply spread a thick layer of grindings on the snowy sidewalks to increase traction.
  • As a Firestarter – Why spend your hard-earned money on purchasing firestarters when you can make a lot using sawdust? Firestarters are useful to light bonfires during camping. You can follow this DIY to create cheap firestarters at home.
  • Stump Grindings as Decorative Ground Cover – No need to toss stump grindings in the garbage bin. Simply strew them around shrubs and trees to create a decorative, rustic look.
  • As Animal Bedding – Stump grindings can be an excellent bedding material for small animals like chickens, rabbits, and guinea pigs. They absorb moisture, which helps in keeping the animal enclosure dry and clean.

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