I’ve been on the hunt to find a super simple furniture DIY that anyone can do by simply finding the supplies and recreating the project on their own. No cutting wood or welding involved! I took a little trip to Lowes with the kids one day to research and see what my options were. I wanted something that was modern, simple, sleek and of course, Scandinavian-inspired.
I’ve been really drawn to the idea of low coffee tables. They are still functional, but a lot more subtle and contemporary. Besides, who makes these rules anyway – that coffee tables need to be a specific height?! So, I created two coffee tables with this design in mind!
Here are the supplies you will need
Here’s how to make it
I made legs for each table with three-step stair frames. I decided to do one table in white and the other black since I couldn’t decide what I liked more! (Heads up: the steps come with stickers that are quite difficult to remove, but with the help of a little gasoline they came off a lot more easily)! Grab your drill and use it for making two holes for the screws for each leg.
Insert screws and washers in the holes of the metal surface. Continue this process until all legs are attached to the tabletop.
I love the mixture of wood and metal and I am so happy with how this project turned out! It takes a matter of minutes and you have so much fun putting the pieces together. Honestly, anyone can do this!
I still love our Reclaimed Wood Coffee Table, but it’s so nice to have a little bit of change and some options. The best part is, these tables would make great plant stands, side tables, bedside tables, plus more!
The sky is the limit and you can really have so much fun with them! What do you think?