8 DIY Cantaloupe Trellis Ideas

Try these DIY Cantaloupe Trellis Ideas to get a bountiful harvest of juicy melons all season long! Here are the top picks!

If you want to grow cantaloupes in your backyard but don’t have enough space, a trellis is the game-changer. It keeps the fruit off the ground, maximizes garden space, and makes harvesting easier.

DIY Cantaloupe Trellis Ideas

1. Inclined Trellis for Cantaloupe

DIY Cantaloupe Trellis 1

If you want to grow 50 pounds of cantaloupe in a 4×8-foot raised bed, make an inclined trellis using this tutorial. You will need a few pieces of wood scrap and metal mesh for this trellis project.

2. DIY Tomato Cage Cantaloupe Trellis

DIY Cantaloupe Trellis 2

If DIYing is not your cup of tea, use the good old tomato cage as a cantaloupe trellis. It’s a cheap Trellis option and may be free if you have one already lying around. Read this article to learn more about this nifty idea.

3. 7-foot Tall Wooden Trellis for Melons

DIY Cantaloupe Trellis 3

Watch this visual tutorial to build a 7-foot-long trellis out of wood, screws, and string. It’s best for cantaloupes, pumpkins, and lightweight crops.

4. Simple Teepee Trellis

Garden Cantaloupe Trellis

If you don’t have enough space in your garden for cantaloupes, grow them vertically using a teepee trellis. Watch this visual tutorial to learn more about this amazing idea.

5. Bamboo Sticks Trellis Idea

Garden Cantaloupe Trellis

To create this simple trellis, you only need some bamboo sticks and jute rope. Besides cantaloupes, you can also use this support structure for other vining specimens.

6. DIY PVC Pipe Trellis

PVC Pipe Trellis

Gather some PVC pipes, y-shaped connectors, and a pipe cutter to make this sturdy cantaloupe trellis. It’s easy to assemble and cheap in compared to metal and wooden trellis systems.

7. Garden Arbor Cantaloupe Trellis Idea

Garden Arbor Trellis

Do you have an arbor in your garden? If so, use it to support your heavy cantaloupes. This trellis system is a great option for pumpkins and other heavier crops too.

8. DIY Arched Cantaloupe Trellis Idea

Arched Cantaloupe Trellis

This sturdy arched trellis can easily support up to 8 cantaloupe plants. Anyone with basic DIY skills can make this trellis with welded wire, U-posts, and PVC pipes.

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