Looking for an attractive tall light fixture with a cozy, warm glow on a budget? Check out this list of DIY Pipe Floor Lamp Ideas!
These DIY Pipe Floor Lamp Ideas not only light up any dull space but also adds some visual interest. They are cheap and easy to make.
Here are some stunning DIY floor lamp ideas
DIY Pipe Floor Lamp Ideas
1. Industrial Pipe Floor Lamp
This easy-to-understand tutorial teaches how to make your own industrial-style floor lamp out of pipes.
2. Galvanized Pipe Floor Lamp
Attach some galvanized pipes together to create a stylish floor lamp with a faux-aged finish. Read more here.
3. Wood And Pipe Floor lamp
Easy-to-assemble pipes and fittings let you customize this lamp as a decorative accent piece or reading light. Click here to learn more.
4. PVC Pipe Floor Lamp
Want an adjustable and rotating floor lamp? Create one at home using PVC pipes, and this instructable.
5. DIY Pipe Floor Lamp with Jar
This project needs wood, galvanized pipe, a jar with a metal screw cap, a bulb socket, a light bulb, and a wall plug.
6. Copper Pipe Floor Lamp
Besides a nice reading light, this copper pipe floor lamp is a display-worthy piece. Get the step-by-step tutorial here.
7. Modern Copper Pipe Floor Lamp
Made from plumber’s copper pipes, this stylish modern floor lamp will surely attract a lot of eyeballs. Watch the video for more info.
8. Anthro-Inspired DIY Pipe Floor Lamp
With supplies, patience, and DIYing skills, you can build this stunning Anthropologie-inspired pipe floor lamp quite easily.
9. DIY Pipe Floor Lamp with Concrete Base
No need to waste your cash on costly store-bought tall light fixtures. DIY this industrial pipe floor lamp with a concrete base for under $50.
10. DIY Metal Pipe Floor Lamp with Charging Station
This vintage lamp, with a built-in electrical outlet, and USB port, is made with galvanized pipe and fittings.
11. Recycled Pipe Floor Lamp
To make an antique-looking pipe floor lamp on a budget, watch this amazing YouTube video.
Find out the best DIY brass swing lamp here